Please find our contact details below
Acamar Films Limited
Ground Floor
The Rotunda
42-43 Gloucester Crescent
London NW1 7DL
+44 (0)203 675 7450
Please note we do not accept unsolicited scripts and materials.
7 Savoy Court
London WC2R 0EX
United Kingdom
Registered in England ( Company Number 04399568)
Much as we would like to, unfortunately we are unable to take unsolicited scripts or story ideas, unless they are submitted by a literary agent. Any ideas or scripts sent in will regretfully be returned un-read.
We’re sorry. However good your idea is, we still can’t take unsolicited scripts or ideas.
Write and write and write. It takes a lot of talent and hard work to become a successful writer. So the first thing to do is to keep writing! Acamar Films may not be in a position to welcome original idea submissions but if you have some experience of Film and Television script writing, we do occasionally look for freelance script writers. If you feel you have sufficient experience and would like to be considered, please write with a comprehensive CV to the address in Contact Us. But please remember not to send any scripts or ideas in with your CV.
The Writers & Artists Yearbook (available through online bookstores and most large High Street bookshops) is the starting point for all potential writers, and provides a list of recognised literary agents. The Writers Guild of Great Britain also holds talks and events which offer practical help and advice on furthering your career. You can find out more here:
We wish you luck with your writing.
You can contact Acamar Films by email or by post:
Acamar Films Limited
Ground Floor
The Rotunda
42-43 Gloucester Crescent
London NW1 7DL
Tel: 020 3675 7450